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Howard "Howie" Roseman

A Life's Obsession 

Obsession -

1 : a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling; broadly: compelling motivation

 2 : something that causes an obsession

Credit: Merriam-Webster


Favorite Restaurant:
Marlboro Pizza & Bagel World

Favorite Music:
Classic Rock

Favorite Movie:
“Delta Force” or “Rocky”

Pet Peeve:

3 People You’d Like to Dine With:
Both my grandfathers and Mindy, my wife

Howard "Howie" Roseman

Howard Roseman was born in Brooklyn, New York on June 23, 1975 the son of Rhona Bernstein and Steven Roseman, both of Marlboro, N.J.. He grew up in Marlboro Township, New Jersey, and later graduated Marlboro High School.



Howard Roseman is a life long New York Jets Fan.

“It was 1981, I was 6 years old. The Jets were involved in the playoffs. I remember watching those games, being just immediately obsessed with it,” Roseman said. He became a Jets fan. “From there, I just took on probably this unnatural obsession with football and sports in general. I wish I was a better player and athlete, but I was always into it. I got every magazine, every newspaper.

”I did not play football, except in my backyard. I was not allowed to play. I was 125 lbs. when I was a senior. I begged to play and my Mom would not sign the permission slip - probably rightfully so because I was only 115-120 lbs. when I was a junior.From a very young age I was obsessed with football. I was obsessed with everything about it. I used to wait for my friends to come home from football practice to play another game of football with me. I played in any pick up games in the neighborhood I could and I loved everything about the game. I just wasn’t big enough to do it.

Howie Roseman’s relentless hunt for a general manager position in the NFL, his singular focus on attaining that position since age 9, his years of letters and calls to team front offices

Roseman never played high school football. “My mother wouldn’t sign a permission slip,” he said matter-of-factly. “She thought I was too small.” But he didn’t shy from contact, wrestling for Marlboro High, usually as a 126-pounder.

Roseman took school seriously; he had a 3.8 GPA at Florida

“I’d prepare for the draft all year. I’d have all these magazines in front of me at the draft,” Roseman said. “Jedd used to make fun of me. The Jets would make a pick. I’d say, ‘What are they doing? Why don’t they take this guy or this guy? ’I would read every story and buy every magazine and watch everything that I could about football. To be up to date during draft time I would have my own drafts of who I would pick if I was the general manager. I think there was always something about building the team that appealed to me. There was even a time before I went to college that I think I did want to possibly coach - but I love the building aspect of the team, putting the pieces of the puzzle together."

Howard "Howie" Roseman

All the NFL teams began getting letters from Roseman while he was still in high school in Marlboro, N.J., in Monmouth County. His persistence stepped up when he was an undergraduate at the University of Florida through his time at Fordham Law. Roseman would study the bios of NFL front-office personnel, looking for anybody who might provide an in. At the faintest pulse of interest, he'd call administrative assistants, getting to know several by name.

Mike Tannenbaum

Roseman's job inquiries had gone largely unacknowledged, even unnoticed. While the rest of the NFL ignored Roseman, Mike Tannenbaum, the pro personnel director of the Jets, spoke to him.

He explained why: "I've got five minutes. The only reason I'm even going to spend five minutes . . . I look at my resumé file, I have 20 letters from you, and every time I send you a rejection, you'd send a thank you for the rejection." Roseman's perseverance got him noticed behind the closed doors, at least a couple of them. Whether this was a positive development was still to be determined. Roseman had become kind of a running joke between a couple of NFL executives, Banner of the Eagles and Tannenbaum of the Jets.
"Could somebody be that persistent and be normal?" Tannenbaum, now the Jets' general manager, said recently, thinking back to Roseman's job hunt.

Banner had the same question.

"Was this guy the most persistent guy in the history of America or was he crazy?" Banner said, saying that Roseman's letters seemed to be coming in daily. "Should we stay away from him, or should one of us interview him?"

In 1999, Tannenbaum's curiosity finally got the better of him. The Jets had an entry-level opening in player personnel. Tannenbaum, then VP of personnel, decided to interview the job stalker.

"I remember Mike called me up one day," Banner said. "We had agreed. You know what, we think he's crazy. But Mike said, 'You won't even believe this. I've got an opening, and I've decided I'm going to meet this guy. I've just got to see what he's like.' "

"Do it where there are a lot of people around," Banner joked to Tannenbaum.

After finishing law school, Roseman took (and passed) the bar in New York and New Jersey – “my deal with my parents as an insurance policy in case football didn’t work.”-Howie told an interviewer from Living Media 

But he didn’t apply for any jobs outside of football.

Roseman was hired by the Philadelphia Eagles as an unpaid intern to work on salary cap issues in 2000.

Howie Roseman and Joe Banner in better days

 He was promoted to director of football administration in 2003. 

On June 19, 2005 Howie got married. Here is the wedding announcement from The New York Times-

Mindy Alyse Friedman, a daughter of Susan M. Friedman and Jeffrey I. Friedman of Hunting Valley, Ohio, was married at her parents' house yesterday evening to Howard Craig Roseman, the son of Rhona Bernstein and Steven Roseman, both of Marlboro, N.J. Rabbi P. Irving Bloom officiated.

Mrs. Roseman, manages the investment-banking analyst program at Lehman Brothers in Manhattan. She graduated from New York University. Her father is the chairman and president of Associated Estates Realty Corporation, a real estate investment trust in Richmond Heights, Ohio. She is from the Cleveland area. She grew up in a family with three brothers and one sister and a father who loved football. They went to every Cleveland Browns home game.

Mr. Roseman, is the director of football administration for the Philadelphia Eagles. He graduated from the University of Florida and received a law degree from Fordham. His mother owns a women's clothing boutique bearing her name in Manalapan, N.J. His father, who retired as an assistant principal at Tottenville High School in Staten Island, is now an educational consultant specializing in school security for the New York City Department of Education. The bridegroom is the stepson of Herb Bernstein.

He was promoted to vice president of football administration in 2006. He was promoted to vice president of player personnel on May 30, 2008. He was promoted to general manager on January 29, 2010. 

Big Shakeup

On January 2, 2014 Coach Chip Kelly was handed near complete control of football operations and former general manager Howie Roseman, while getting a new title and a contract extension, was stripped of his personnel powers.

In a statement from Philadelphia Eagles owner Jeffery Lurie announcedhe Philadelphia Eagles have fired Head Coach Chip Kelly after just three years. Kelly took over a 4-12 team and took the Eagles to the playoffs, but has failed to improve ever since. He was also the defacto General Manager and made trades that many fans and analysts questioned. Kelly was 26-21 in his three seasons in Philadelphia and 0-1 in the playoffs.

After Kelly's dismissal, Roseman became the GM again in 2016, and hiredDoug Pedersonas the Eagles' new head coach. Roseman made some key personnel additions which helped the Eagles winSuper Bowl LIIwhen the team defeated the New England Patriots 41-33 in 2018.

